Tuesday, September 4, 2012


Twenty three was truly the hardest year of my life. Everything was flipped upside down and ripped inside out. I intend to make 24 an exceptionally better year.
Since I was born a "hurricane baby" I usually can't make any permanent plans to celebrate my birthday...
Of course on the anniversary of Hurricane Katrina, Hurricane Isaac decided to slam into our city.
Just my luck.
This time I didn't evacuate. I was actually luckier then majority of NOLA, I never lost power. However, after reading every book on my nook, watching way to much Netflix, and reading Reddit for countless hours I realized this is a perfect opportunity for a road trip adventure.

Satigold is hands down one of my favorite musicians. I have always admired her unique style in music. Turned out that Santigold was headlining the One Music Festival in ATL. I had never been to ATL and was feeling risky.

In less then an hour I had my suitcase packed, 2 pillows, and comforter shoved in the back of my car. I had no plans on where I would stay that night or how long I was going to stay but I GTFO of town.
My backseat, road snacks, map, and Ryan giving me the nervous "I dont think this is a good idea" talk.

I told mom and dad I was leaving bought some pepper spray and hopped on the highway.

In hopes to get a great couchsurfing host in ATL I sent out a mass request and quite a few personal ones as well.
After driving 6 hours and still no responses I started to get nervous and then forwarded my post on to the ATL Reddit in desperation. I didn't necessarily think I was going to get a host that evening but I was hoping for at least one for the weekend. I get short notice requests constantly so I assumed it was pretty normal.

I found Norcross hostel around 4:30am in ATL. The very unhelpful gentlemen at the front desk refused to give me the rate online and would only give me his normal nightly rate. Since I am a so stubborn I swore to him I would find a way to book online and get that price.
I was completely unsuccessful..
I told myself I was a pansy and I could sleep in my car no big deal. I have been reading about this guy Nick Kleckner who is Walking Across America. Shit, if he can rough it out I can to...

By 6:30am, I had clearly underestimated how high maintenance I am...
Yes, I am a pansy. I marched my ashamed ass back into the Hostel and the prick gave me the "I knew you'd be back look" and a room key.
This place truly earned the name "Roach Motel." I kept seeing the same prostitutes and drug dealer on my floor each day. We gave each other the nod in passing. Although I didn't get killed the roach laying next to my bed had a violent death from my shoe...

The next day I discovered the "spaghetti" intersections of ATL. I have never gotten lost so many times in my life.
Random fun fact: Atlanta has 56 "Peachtree" streets.
What the hell ATL?!

At this point, I still didn't have any hosts from couch surfing and nothing from Reddit I started to get fairly upset at the Redditor community in ATL and wrote them off. Yet again, I was the stupid one. I completely gave up on ATL Reddit and didn't check my messages... Lo and behold I had 6 extremely friendly responses that I checked on my way home...
ATL Redditors I sincerely apologize for cursing you.

Friday night I went to an event downtown called The Sketchbook Project.

The Sketchbook Project explained in 96 seconds from Art House Co-op on Vimeo.

Instead of me explaining it, watch the video. It was a really cool experience.
I bought my sketchbook to participate and read 5 or so books while I was there. I was blown away by some of the art in these books.

Friday night, I went to The Whole World Improve Theatre. I've always been into improv shows. Although it was funny, Nola's improv show "Brown" kicks this shows ass.
I was told to check out Creasent Street to party. Although, it was not my scene I got VIP to the main club "Opera" which was 3 floors and very beautiful. I met some very interesting people and danced my butt off.

4am on my bday I sat in waffle house with a hobo that was convinced he was a Prophet. I decided 2 hours of him explaining religious and governmental conspiracies was enough and it was time to make my escape!

Saturday, my actual birthday, I drove to Canton to go Paragliding.

600ft in the air. I had the time of my life.

Right after paragliding I drove straight to the One Music Festival at Mascarade in ATL. Good food, good drinks, Great music.

Santigold tore up the stage. That show hits my top five favorite live performances.
Not only was she a great performer her dancers were outstanding.
Their outfits were wacky and they stay completely stone-faced the entire show. I have never seen a show where the dancer are just as good as the artist.

I headed to East Atlanta Village for the rest of the evening. Had dinner at Flat Iron which wasn't that exciting and then ended up at a gay bar. I had no clue is was a gay bar when I walked in but then I watched the drag show which was really awesome!

Had a blast in ATL, the people there are really cool, creative and just have a "swag" about. Thanks for showing me a good time ATL!

I visited my Grammy in Fairhope, AL last night and she made me a yummy birthday cake!

My last stop was to watch the sunset in Biolxi, MS.

Back to the grid in the city.
I saw this on Reddit New Orleans.

Someone posted this outside UNO campus...
I LOL-ed

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